Natural light emitting bus stop in Umea, Sweden

Natural light emitting bus stop in Umea, Sweden.
Photograph courtesy of Umea Energy

Bus stops here in the UK server a few purposes: to protect you from the rain, to show a little map of the routes and the area, or getting ads in front of your eyes.

In Sweden, however, they have found a new possibility in providing a welcome dose of natural light in a place that plunges into darkness for much of the day. In the heigh of winter, Umeå, a town about 300 miles north of Stockholm, only gets four hours of sunlight per day, and by lighting up 30 bus stops in the town, the local energy company is attempting to make people’s days genuinely better.

The panels emit no radiation, but even a few minutes in front of them should improve upon the tiredness people feel in the winter months.



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