
We aim to bring a different perspective on world and local news, on politics, on science, and on culture. To “descry” means to discover and to proclaim and we want to live up to those words – by highlighting content and ideas not distilled through the prism of traditional journalism, but personal and laid bare by those involved.

Descrier (n) One that discovers, observes, proclaims

We make use of independent writers and activists, an in-house editorial team, and a wide selection of sources and partners to provide a different path to the information found through traditional media.

Are We Missing A Source?

We’re continually building up our network of high quality and independent sources on which we rely on for a large part of our content, but we are always on the look-out for more.
Is there a blog, a Twitterer, a Facebook user, or anyone else that you think would be a good addition to The Descrier? Let us know.

Do We Offer An App?

Yes. We offer apps for iOS (iPhone and iPad), Android, and Windows Phone all for free.

We would love to hear your thoughts, feedback, or even if you’d just like to say hello.
Please contact us.

Thank you.

Tim Dickinson
The Descrier

DESCRIER LTD is a private company in the UK. Company number: 08057784