EDL banner from a 2010 rally

EDL banner from a 2010 rally. Photograph by Gavin Lynn

The tragic occurrences of yesterday in Woolwich where one man was killed by two local men claiming revenge for the British military involvement in Afghanistan have resulted in another worrying tred – the rise of the EDL and the far right.

Immediately upon hearing the news of the attacks in Woolwich, English Defence League leader Tommy Robinson put a call out to other EDL members to head to the area

It was an insulting protest by a small group of Islamists at the homecoming parade by the Royal Anglian Regiment in 2009 that sparked the original formation of the EDL, and the killing of a British soldier on British soil in broad daylight is the fear that they have always worked on. The Woolwich murder, was a perfect excuse for the EDL to try and show it was still relevant after dwindling interest from the public, and continued anti-fascist protesters holding up any recent EDL rallies.

The call came, around 100 EDL supporters arrived in Woolwich, shouting the familiar “E-E-EDL” and instilling more fear in the minds of local community who had already seen their lives interrupted by the brutal murder earlier in the day. The EDL may claim that their Islamophobia has nothing to do with race, but on the ground this blurs with the EDL members intimidating anyone who is non-white.

Whatever their intentions last night, the police were on hand to avoid any conflict and soon dispersed the EDL members, some of whom were wearing balaclavas and reportedly carrying weapons. The poor turnour and quick dispersal has not deterred the EDL leadership, however, as they are already attempting to organise a larger rally over the upcoming bank holiday weekend.

The EDL may have been the major political entity that attempted to capitalise on the media attention of yesterday’s tragic scenes, but there were also a number of attacks on Muslims and mosques around the country in response. In Gillingham, Kent, a man reportedly ran into the local mosque and started smashing windows, bookcases, and other property. Meanwhile in Braintree, Essex, another man is alleged to have vandalised a mosque whilst brandishing a knife and carrying some form of explosive device.

Something the EDL fails to understand is that it is not Islam, or people of other religions or races that are the problem in Western society – it is extremism. Muslim extremists were behind the 7/7 attacks, and it appears similar Jihanist motives were behind the attack yesterday, but Anders Breivik, who killed 69 in Norway, was a hardline far-right Christian. The IRA were also Christians, and have admitted and recently apologised for the deaths of over 1,800 “non combatants” over the years. Yes Jihadists are a threat to this country, but so are extremists from every walk of life that bring violence to our streets. By taking to the streets and throwing bottles at police yesterday, the EDL have simply defined themselves as part of the extremist problem.



  1. Enough is enough on

    How many IRA attacks are there these days? How many Anders Breivik style attacks have there ever been? How many Islamic terrorist attacks have there been all around the world, not just in the UK, since 9/11? You are deluded. Islam breeds Islamic fundamentalists and is the biggest threat to the civilised world since Nazi Germany. If there was no Islam there would be no barbaric Islamic fundamentalist attacks.

    • Islam, like every other religion, has fundamentalists. There are a tiny, tiny proportion of Muslims that are extremists that are dangerous and need to be monitored and their plots thwarted.

      Some criminals are mentally unstable and go on killing sprees and they should be condemned like this attack in Woolwich. The EDL didn’t have a rally when Raoul Moat went on a killing spree, because he was, quite rightly, defined as mentally unstable. These guys in Woolwich are the same – they are criminals, and should be prosecuted for their crimes, and they will be. Generalising is the problem.

  2. Oh lets all stand about holding hands and making vid with 2 butchers, its just the usual violence. Bloody hell get off you arse and beat these bastards in to pavement. The great and mighty UK has become a sheep farm, pasive and meek. Unable toe speak or do mighty things anymore..