
“On Your Own (Pt. 2)” is the latest darkly comedic step towards Fryars‘ debut album, which is looking increasingly like it could be filed somewhere near Autre Ne Veut in your record collection, though of course with the addition of Benjamin Garrett’s unique take on despondent pop music. There’s something brilliantly direct about the bluntness of the delivery, as a deadpan Fryars paints a rather downcast scene in which relationships are false, life is imprisonment, and everyone is ultimately unhappy. Charlie Brooker is almost certainly a fan. “Don’t matter if you’re rich, you’ll die alone” is destined to become the mantra of every creative washed up on the unforgiving pavements of London, but the continued existence of Katie Price does sort of prove his point.


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Not Many Experts

Not Many Experts is a music blog edited by Phil Gwyn

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