Twitter #Music app for iOS

There has been a lot of hype surrounding Twitter’s Music app, developed after the social network acquired San Francisco-based music aggregator WeAreHunted last year. And the wait is finally over, with the app available now for iOS and on the web.

At launch the app features music from Spotify, Rdio, and iTunes, with SoundCloud and BandCamp reported to be joining the party soon. Users can explore music from the artists they like, and the artists those artists enjoy – offering another form of digital music discovery. They are then stream previews of those tracks through iTunes or the full tracks through Spotify or Rdio if they have a subscription to the service.

On their official blog, Twitter described the launch of the app, saying:

Today, we’re releasing Twitter #music, a new service that will change the way people find music, based on Twitter. It uses Twitter activity, including Tweets and engagement, to detect and surface the most popular tracks and emerging artists. It also brings artists’ music-related Twitter activity front and center: go to their profiles to see which music artists they follow and listen to songs by those artists. And, of course, you can tweet songs right from the app.

You can find the app now both online and at the Apple App Store