Palestinian Flag. Photograph by Jean-François Gornet

Labour’s long held position is to support the Palestinians’ bid for enhanced status at the UN, and so we welcome reports today suggesting that UK Government could now be set to u-turn and support the bid.

These reports come after Nick Clegg signalled earlier this week that he too now backs Labour’s long held position to support the bid.

Labour have consistently argued that the UK Government should support the Palestinian’s bid for enhanced status at the UN.

We regret that even at this late stage the Government have not yet given public assurances that the UK will vote in favour of the Palestinian’s bid at this week’s UN General Assembly vote.

Recognition of Palestine at the UN is not an alternative to negotiations, but a bridge for beginning them. After decades of diplomatic failure, some now doubt whether a two-state solution is any longer possible.

That is why it is vital that as an international community we encourage the Palestinians to take the path of politics and reject the path of violence, and we rekindle hopes that there is a credible route to a viable Palestinian state and a secure Israel achieved by negotiations.

The British Government, among others, have a heavy responsibility to advance that goal at the United Nations in the coming days.

Written by Danny Alexander MP, Shadow Foreign Secretary