Ed Balls. Photograph by Underclass Rising

David Cameron has called Labour shadow chancellor Ed Balls “a turkey” in a heated exchange during Prime Minister’s Questions.

After calling for an apology from Balls over his claims that Tory economic policies would damage the economy, as the country has slowly dragged itself out of recession, the prime Minister told Labour leader Ed Miliband in reference to Balls:

“You don’t need it to be Christmas to know that you;re sitting next to a turkey”

Cameron decided to target Balls after reports in The Sun and Daily Mail this week that Ed Miliband may be looking to drop Ed Balls from his cabinet as he looks towards trying to win the 2015 elections.

Balls had been under pressure since his red-faced performance after George Osborne presented his Autumn Statement, as the shadow chancellor tried to be heard above the noise coming from the Tory benches. Defending his job performance, Balls told the BBC after PMQs:

“You need a chancellor who is tough and stands up to people. That’s my job. I’m good at it and I’ll keep doing it.”