David Cameron has been accused of cowardice by Labour and the Liberal Democrats after saying that he would only take part in one televised debate alongside all other party leaders.

The prime minister has been accused of “running scared” from a head-to-head debate against Labour leader Ed Miliband, and refusing to take part in any debates after the party’s have published their manifestos.

Milband asked Cameron:

“Why are you running scared of TV debates? The British people want a head-to-head TV debate. Let’s give it to them.”

A Tory spokesperson blamed the decision on “chaos” in the negotiating process, but the other parties blamed much of the problems in negotiations on the Conservative Party, who are reported to have failed to turn up to a number of the meetings.

Deputy Prime Minister called on Cameron to rejoin the debates, saying:

“The British public want the debates so let’s get on with it. Stop holding them to ransom by trying to dictate the terms.”

The broadcasters have said that they will continue with the debates and “empty chair” Cameron, making the head-to-head debate a 90-minute Jeremy Paxman interview with Miliband.