Oregon police say that a man shot and killed by a police officer in Portland last month had been stalking a number of young women in a van, which he had converted into a mobile dungeon.

Kelly Swoboda, 49, died in a gunfight with police after officers were called to a high school in Portland with reports of a suspicious van following students.

In his van, police found notes that he had been keeping on around 20 women as well as chains and handcuffs.

Swodoba was already a suspect in a number of bank robberies, and police were investigating the abduction of a 23-year-old woman in January, where she was beaten and bundled into the back of a van. She managed to escape by jumping from the moving vehicle, resulting in a fractured skull amongst other injuries.

Investigators believe that Swodoba converted the back of his van into a mobile dungeon to prevent any future victims escaping.

The details about Swoboda’s stalking activities have come to light in transcripts from a grand jury investigation into whether the fatal shooting was justified, which the jury determined it was.