The UK is one of the countries most likely to survive climate change along with other northern European countries, the US, New Zealand, and Australia, according to a new report.

Scientists from the University of Notre Dame in the US created the ND-Gain Index to rank countries on their vulnerability to the effects of climate change and their readiness to adapt, based on data collected since 1995 measuring 192 UN countries.

The results also closely correlate to the wealth of the respective nations, with richer Western nations considered less likely to be affected by climate change than poorer nations, with many of the worst affected countries in central Africa.

Ten countries most likely to survive climate change

  1. Norway (82.7)
  2. New Zealand (82.2)
  3. Sweden (81.6)
  4. Finland (81.5)
  5. Denmark (81.4)
  6. Australia (80.1)
  7. UK (80.0)
  8. United States (78.9)
  9. Germany (78.8)
  10. Iceland (78.8)

Ten countries least likely to survive climate change

  1. Chad (31.6)
  2. Eritrea (33.8)
  3. Burundi (33.8)
  4. Democratic Republic of the Congo (34.0)
  5. Central African Republic (34.0)
  6. Sudan (35.5)
  7. Niger (35.6)
  8. Haiti (35.6)
  9. Afghanistan (35.6)
  10. Guinie-Bissau (37.3)
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