A number of leading GOP members have dropped their support for Donald Trump after his obscene remarks about women became public, with the party establishment openly discussing aborting the campaign.

More than a dozen leading Republicans have said they will not vote for the controversial billionaire since his comments about kissing women without consent and ‘grabbing them by the pussy’ were made public in a video published by the Washington Post on Friday.

Trump has said he will not drop out of the US presidential race and would not let his supporters down, but a continuous stream of his past transgressions becoming public appears to be shifting

The latest Republican figures to withdraw their support from Trump include former presidential candidate John McCain and former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

Rice said:

“Enough! Donald Trump should not be President. He should withdraw.”

Former president George W. Bush has already made clear he would not vote for the right-wing populist candidate, and his father, former president George W Bush has said he would vote for Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

Republican politicians soon to face re-election battles fear that any affiliation with Trump could cause them to lose their seats. A number of Republicans have said that Trump should withdraw from the race and allow Mike Pence, currently the Republican candidate for vice-president, to stand in his place.

UKIP leader Nigel Farage, who has made speeches at Trump rallies in support of Trump, continues to support the candidate, dismissing his comments abouts sexual assault as “alpha male boasting”.